Stakeholder Management and Communication for Family Enterprises


In IDP’s training module, we introduced the discipline of Project Management for Family Enterprises with a detailed background of all activities, functions and processes that gives reliability to the project. In multiple occasions colleagues referred to the strategic role detained by communication so as to nurture and keep vibrant positive (professional) relations with third parties. The objective of IHF’s training module is to enable targets to establish a trustworthy image among the network of STKH they might interface with (civil society at large, partners, public administrations, third sector, etc.). In the case of IDP’s training, the role of communication was in relation to the upscaling, visibility and mainstreaming of the project. In this context, communication will be addressed as a standalone function of business management for competitive success.


Internal Communication, External Communication, STKH Identification, STKH Engagement, STKH Management, Public Identity, Reputation, Organisatio&


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Hihgly recommended is R.Freeman’s bibliography, with particular reference to:

Freeman, R. E. 1984. Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman


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